Iam mens praetrepidans avet vagari.
Now my mind, trembling in anticipation, longs to wander.

- Catullus, Carmen 46

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Hello again! This post is a test to see how terrible it is to blog via iPhone before I decide whether to bring my computer on my next adventure.

For those who don't know, as a post-graduation present to ourselves, my roommate Ashley and I had planned a Russia trip. It transformed from a transsiberian railway trip from Moscow to Beijing into a 2 week tour of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Helsinki. Then, after some prompting from my aunt, I decided to continue extend it as a backpacking trip down to Istanbul, a city I've been itching to see ever since I looked out at it from the plane on my way to Tajikistan (2 years ago, how crazy is that?). I'll be traveling trough the Baltics, down through Poland to the Czech Republic to Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, a few towns in Romania on the way to Bucharest, to Sofia, finally to Istanbul, and I'll be flying home from there. I'm leaving in 11 days, and I'll be gone until October 21. I'm a little nervous about traveling alone, but mostly I am so excited! I'm just finishing up a couple last minute planning things, and then I'll be on my way!

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