Iam mens praetrepidans avet vagari.
Now my mind, trembling in anticipation, longs to wander.

- Catullus, Carmen 46

Thursday, August 15, 2013

We're off!

Here we are... Waiting at the airport. So far, so good, except that we weren't able to get our seat assignments online. When I called the airline, the Danish guy told me that "the seats are reserved for the passengers". Which frankly was not all the helpful. So when we checked in, I hoped we'd be able to get seats then. But the woman told us that we could get our seat assignments at the gate. So after an easy and hassle-free trip through security (for us; the guy ahead of us tried to bring a fake sword, which TSA deemed too realistic for the flight), we arrived at the gate. Unfortunately the woman at the gate took our boarding passes, told us she'd page us at 4:30 (which is what time we are supposed to be boarding) and sent us on our way. So now, one free coffee later, here we sit, at the gate, with no seat assignment, no boarding passes, and 16 minutes to boarding time. Sounds like a good start to a trip to Russia to me!

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